Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can I Transfer Pokemon From Sapphire

cooked Indian

In Barbara was a few days ago cooked Indian. It reminded me remember that I also have long wanted to do again. Green beans from the garden were still in the freezer so the enjoyment nothing stood in your way. And that's really an absolute pleasure. We have also used no rice to the potato pie have is quite sufficient. I have the quartered potatoes in the Thermomix cooked and then ground by hand. This is quite good because they are not even too soft after 10 minutes cooking time.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: Bihari Masala with Green Beans
categories: vegetables, beans, spices, fast, India
Quantity: 2-3 servings (with rice)

1-2 Essl.
oil 3 Tbsp. Almonds
onions 1 / 2 cup or shallots, finely chopped 2
; garlic cloves, finely chopped
1-1 1 / 2 tsp Kreuzkümmel, gemahlen
a way. Korianderpulver
a way. Edelsüß
Paprika 1 / 2 today. Chiliflocken
3 / 4 today. Grobes Meersalz
180 ml coconut milk
400-500 grams Green beans cleaned, as required in 2.5-cm
- sliced
; A little fresh lime juice
1 handful cilantro, chopped

========================== == ============================ SOURCE
recipe by Julie Sahni, Diner's Journal, New York Times
http://www.kleineisel .de/blogs/brotundrosen.php/2010/08 /
- Edited * RK * 14/08/2010 by
- Heat Petra Klein Eisel

oil in a pan. In it the almonds until golden brown
roast. Lift out and set aside.

onions, garlic and spices add to the pan
not been wiped and sauté over medium heat about 4 minutes. Pour in coconut milk

, loskochen browned bodies, then stir in the beans
. All cook until the beans are soft (or you have desired from
bite - Barbara: 10 minutes).

Drizzle with lime juice, mix in cilantro and season again
. Sprinkle with almonds. Serve with basmati rice


========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: Aloo Tikki - Indian potato pie
categories: vegetables, potato patty, India
Quantity: 1 recipe

400 grams potatoes, peeled, quartered
1 Hot red chili, sliced into thin rings 1 Tbsp
. Ginger, finely chopped
1 1 / 2 tsp cumin (cumin), toasted dry
, - pounded
2      Essl. Korianderblätter, gehackt

========================== ZUM BRATEN ==========================
                   Oil or clarified butter or ghee

SOURCE ============================ ============== ==============
recipe from Atul Kochhar, "The new Indian cuisine"
; kartoffelkchlein.html
- Edited * RK * 06/04/2008 by
, - Barbara precook Furthmüller

potatoes in salted water for 5-7 minutes. Drain, cool slightly can grate and
. Mix with the herbs and season with salt

form from the mass small flat cakes (1 cm thick, 5 cm diameter)
and 20 minutes in the refrigerator . Make Then, at
medium heat fry both sides until golden brown in 3-5 minutes.

fits in with this example, cucumber salad and mango chutney.



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