Friday, October 29, 2010

The Right Words To Say To Console A Friend

the last pumpkin

I guess with this lightweight court the pumpkin season is over for me. I'm sure the last from Styria brought butternut pumpkin used.
On the court I was interested in the combination of sour apple, pineapple juice and pumpkin.
The taste was fairly bland. I habs then spiced up with a little chopped chilli and then threw very well! The men at a table at any rate hats a great treat and that's the important thing ;-)

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: Pumpkin curry with turkey breast
categories: vegetables
Quantity: 4 people cut

250 grams turkey breast (about 2 x 2 cm cubes )
250 grams Pumpkin (about 2 x 2 cm cube
- cut)
salt, pepper
; Oil

========================== ==================== CURRY SAUCE ======
1 onion (finely chopped)
, 1 chopped garlic clove
1 apple (cut small cubes)
1 / 16 liter white wine
1 / 16 liter pineapple juice
1 / 8 liter coconut milk
1 Tbsp.
curry powder 1 / 4 l cream, about
; oil

SOURCE ============================ === =========================
ORF freshly cooked
Andreas Wojta, Minoritenstüberl, Vienna
- Edited * RK * 27/10/2010 by
- Heat Anne Marie Baum jerk

20 minutes

oil in a frying pan and the first turkey breast cubes sharp
sauté, season with salt and pepper and deploy it to a preheated
plate. The pumpkin cubes and fry well to give
turkey breast.

In same pan sauté onion and garlic in hot oil briefly
. Add apple cubes, close the curry powder, deglaze with white wine
. Pour pineapple juice and coconut milk, let boil briefly
, then pour in the cream and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes walking
can. Pour sauce into a blender and puree

The curry sauce with fried turkey and the pumpkin pieces
mix, season to taste if necessary again and



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