Monday, November 8, 2010

Ecchi Harem Anime Of 2010

new favorite pizza!

Yesterday gabs at John a pizza which he said that the Teigrezept is from an Italian friend. I was there can no longer hold and they immediately had to try. Especially since I've always considered how long it actually store pizza dough without it being damaged. In the pizza dough balls are always conjured up from cold store, covered and served. And this one should definitely be prepared the day before.

And so today a new favorite pizza was born. The dough had to strip super thin, has been baking b eim not mushy but crisp was great! Thanks for the great recipe!
the way I used 2 with ham, salami, corn and mushrooms and two vegetarian. Both were Supergut!

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: Home made pizza
Categories: Pizza, Thermomix
Quantity: 1 recipe

=========================== Pizza dough ===========================
1 ; kg flour from the TONMUEHLE would be a recommendation
15 grams yeast 25 grams
; salt
50 Grams of olive oil, in my organic quality are there in the
500-700 ml water

======================== SOURCE ==== ============================
Johannes Guggenberger
- Edited * RK * 06/11/2010 by
- Heidi Fleischer

Dissolve the yeast in water mix (from the 500 to 700 ml) flour, salt, olive oil and yeast water
. The remaining water gradually pour
. Knead dough until it is nice and smooth.

first let go at room temperature 2 hours, then overnight in the refrigerator
. Make

rest after the refrigerator about 30 minutes at room temperature
, then kneaded and before mating, the dough rolled out
to rest about 5 minutes. Dannach show and bake.

pad on your mood. Important for the bake on the
charcoal grill and in oven, a thin, not too wet

is preliminary a few important tips so it is good for my version correctly
is: Make the pizza dough a day before the preparation of the pizza
, in a refrigerator. Use only fresh yeast,
then it will come with the rising of the dough and the pizza is pretty
crispy. Cook until the tomatoes
all the liquid has evaporated. This prevents that the pizza is too wet and tough

Note H. The absolute best pizza!



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