Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Using Hair Color Intensifiers

finger noodles

The question of a friend if you can make in the Thermomix potato, I was reminded of a recipe book in the "finger noodles" were described from potato.

Because grad fresh beef and winter vegetables in the house had tried it out and made the Nuderl ego on the side. The dough was made ruckzuck and the noodles are super fit to the meat and vegetables. They gave me tasted better out of the pan. In the tube they are outside to dry become.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: finger noodles
categories: Thermomix, Supplement
; Quantity: 1 recipe

500 grams Cooked floury potatoes (yesterday)
200 grams ; flour
1 teaspoon salt 1 egg

= =========================== ====================== SOURCE ======
Thermomix recipe book
- Edited * RK * 02/15/2011 by
- Heidi Fleischer

potatoes cut into pieces. Place all ingredients in mixing bowl and give
15 sec / level 4 mix. cut

the dough about 8 cm long, finger-sized rolls. Fry in hot fat
in the frying pan and place on a well greased baking sheet and
at 200 ° in oven until crispy fried.

Note H. taste In a pan it better ... in the tube dry
them strongly!



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