Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Make An Oval Shower Curtain Rod


We had once again wants to shrimp ..... and noodles. And because even a few zucchini lying around here, I've also reingeschnippselt. And a little Ital.Gewürzmischung the last year I've brought back from Tuscany .... hellish hot but Supergut!

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Categories: Food and drink , seafood, spaghetti, pasta
Quantity: 6 people

30 shrimp tails (TK, with 20
, - g, with shell)
4 ; 3 cloves garlic, Red chillies

2 ; bunch of flat parsley 4 stalks thyme

3 Sprigs of rosemary salt

500 12 grams of spaghetti
Tbsp. Olive oil

pepper 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice (maybe more)

SOURCE ============================ ==== ========================
eat & drink
Posted by: Ulli Fetzer
- Edited * RK * 18/02/2004 by
, - Ulli Fetzer

first Garnelenschwaenze peel and evisceration. Peel garlic and cut into thin slices
. Chili peppers in half lengthwise, remove seeds and dice
. Petersilienblaetter, Thymianblaetter
chop rosemary and coarse.

second Boil plenty of salted water in a large pot, the pasta
cook it according to package directions.

third Meanwhile, 5 tablespoons olive oil in a very large pan
and slices of garlic fry light brown. Remove from pan and drain on
Kuechenpapier leave. The shrimp with salt and pepper
, fry for 5 minutes on all sides in the Knoblauchoel.
the remaining olive oil, Chiliwuerfel, lemon juice and herbs to give
the shrimp and cook 1 minute.

4th Drain the spaghetti, drain and mix in a bowl with shrimp and garlic
slices. Serve immediately.



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