Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chinese Electric Torcher

Personal: A report about me ...

Thanks to a Tip's little I decided to make a little post about me (although I do not like talking about myself, I can even talk, but good:))
time to myself: So as you viell. know, my name is Brigitte I live since last year in Passau (Bavaria) in my own apartment, which has lasted 19 years. I am in effect born on 01.July 1991 (thus cancer) and are therefore also animal to rain:) No, but
Taking it seriously ... I am currently training as a retail sales clerk
(2 1 / 2 years; shortening because of my grades) and I am ready in January next year ... What's next, I will see you now ... but that does nothing to cause.
My dream job would be
prop work in a bookstore or speech therapist to be, but you can have in life not everything, and some go just like nothing. Here you have also seen the same time a small part of my jokes, prop, I can not remember and do not tell, so I also doubt such an outrageously good humor
(you see?) ... What we have then? I love rain, you know the oda? Why? Mh .. because I love the smell of rain, everything fresh so and clean, as if all the problems with simply gone (unfortunately does not) then I still love my books, which are heilich me (I'm catholic by the way, even if I do not go to church irg. and both do not know what I believe) but back to the books:) have me really heilich, I can laugh while crying and crying all at the same oda, I can feel nothing but this (what is rather poor ) and I get up too much on movies (my DVD collection needs restive growth ...)
+ Horror + Nerd I think movies are a nice way to show feelings and words to represent ...
I have nat. many actors and actresses that I like and adore, but the list is long, so I leave the better times that you will always be accessible at that post out here.
Oh yes, and I travel very very very happy, and yet far too rare. My next destination is Seattle.) But I've moved from 2012 to 2014 ... I see you also like to plan:)
Mh .. What I have to say? Oh yes I have 2 tattoo's and will also increase (the've ever posted about this ...) Well I like different music, from folk to Soundtracks ... they are less mainstream stuff, and I am on the other hand sometimes for a short time can not defend:) you know for sure ... I think the times is all we know about should be as a blogger, I mean we do not want my deepest abyss thaw oda?
(now says no, ask all good:)) And now I leave you alone with my pictures:) Hope you had a little Fun and remain faithful to me even in bad times ...

London 2010-present quite the image ...
Oh wei, Ireland 2009
Ireland 2009 - I like black by the way:)
prop And I like any pictures of me, as you can see here (Rome 2007)

Did you have fun for?
extra belongings taken pictures when I'm alone on it, because I did not know if friends want to face on it on my blog ...:) hi hi


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