Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birthday Invite Wording Cohost

Books: Sleep, Never Let Me Go, VA 6

Where do I start here only again, if you stop once it is not easy to start again. Long ago with my books, and it 's Review / and in particular the fact that I hardly get to read. My lunch break is my salvation.) But this time the 3 books I want to imagine.

this book, I found this one at my favorite bookstore "Pustet. In that time I had quite a back sleeping problems (which now also are back) and I've seen the cover and thought "Mh .. sounds interesting ..." and I can tell you that's it. It is a short story of about 80 pages, with pictures that were drawn very nicely, and the book and enrich the story really ...
what this book is about a woman who simply can not sleep, she stays awake drinkt cognac and then simply reads "Anna Karenina" all night several times a week ... her husband knows nothing about her son not ...
A sweet little story that I liked ... reminds me of my sleepless nights ...

"Never Let Me Go" I've already mentioned once, as I wrote I want to buy it myself, and now I have it already since Jan . 2011 and have ever used it to read to the end, only what it was that I did not have time or was just tired (although this is not a guarantee of sleeping with me) ... In any case, I've decided for this cover because it was the most beautiful, witty White is also the movie-tie in what I wanted to avoid prop ...
I really must say this has inspired me the book, it has an unusually beautiful way to express yourself and to read fluently (I have to close. Version).
The story revolves around three friends, Ruth, Tommy and Kathy, all three are children who live in Hailsham, not an ordinary school, here it is ensured that the children always remain healthy and are therefore also particularly taken into custody, also by the guards. The story is divided in their time as children, young adults and ....... I will not tell you it will (if you want to read the book) find yourself (see Wiki, it says it all:)) In any case, Kathy tells what happened and why they are still on the lookout for Hailsham ...
Gripping story, Page Turner.

to VA 6 I would like to briefly say something, because not read some (many) of this series, and if it does, I will here not say too much. VA does with "The Last Sacrifice "ending to an end and after all the expectations of the fans obviously peaceful ... but very quickly ...
This part was once again gripping, especially the moments between Rose and Dimitri were there but then again "puff" again and again disappeared as fast as they came ...
I am glad that it denoch in a different kind goes with ... "Bloodlines" is a kind of "prequel" to VA. Here other parts written, but not Rose, so things are more ....

AMAZON U.S. (Blood Lines) - I did it to me Coming soon ...

* Do you have books that I read viell. times do?


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