Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Riddell Lacrosse Helmet

Song of the Day

I do not know it was just a weird day, I've dreamed of this night again
(As in the past few days) but always something strange is my ... I find the meaning in it? If they do not understand?

I can "Spartacus" is simply not forget irg. how, I think it's also because I've seen the show for 2 days, and nothing else had done ... I would like to see again and again (if I had to download the episodes do not always) ...

because I do not just enough of it get ...
* My stomach has been playing again today irg. like crazy, all day tea gedrunken only ... I just want to sleep only until Friday ... and I already know that tomorrow is not easy, sometimes see ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kawasaki Wedding Cake Topper

feeling of the day thought of the day

This song reflects exactly the style of the film's back, the book I'm not quite through, but certainly tonight:)

Otherwise more stressful and stupid day today ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Movie Brent Everett And Brent Corrigan

thanks to Down With Gravity

Why must we always and everywhere be available? Can not even spend the 2-3 days without talking, without obsessive conversations that do not need to be held? Just silence for a few days? Too good ...

* Think for several weeks on a new tattoo idea after (after I wants 8 other makes a 9 nimma the herb also fat) ... We'll see what I do SE Find on Google:) a beautiful watch you all night ...

* 1 month no cell phone, that would be worth a test ...

Chinese Electric Torcher

Personal: A report about me ...

Thanks to a Tip's little I decided to make a little post about me (although I do not like talking about myself, I can even talk, but good:))
time to myself: So as you viell. know, my name is Brigitte I live since last year in Passau (Bavaria) in my own apartment, which has lasted 19 years. I am in effect born on 01.July 1991 (thus cancer) and are therefore also animal to rain:) No, but
Taking it seriously ... I am currently training as a retail sales clerk
(2 1 / 2 years; shortening because of my grades) and I am ready in January next year ... What's next, I will see you now ... but that does nothing to cause.
My dream job would be
prop work in a bookstore or speech therapist to be, but you can have in life not everything, and some go just like nothing. Here you have also seen the same time a small part of my jokes, prop, I can not remember and do not tell, so I also doubt such an outrageously good humor
(you see?) ... What we have then? I love rain, you know the oda? Why? Mh .. because I love the smell of rain, everything fresh so and clean, as if all the problems with simply gone (unfortunately does not) then I still love my books, which are heilich me (I'm catholic by the way, even if I do not go to church irg. and both do not know what I believe) but back to the books:) have me really heilich, I can laugh while crying and crying all at the same oda, I can feel nothing but this (what is rather poor ) and I get up too much on movies (my DVD collection needs restive growth ...)
+ Horror + Nerd I think movies are a nice way to show feelings and words to represent ...
I have nat. many actors and actresses that I like and adore, but the list is long, so I leave the better times that you will always be accessible at that post out here.
Oh yes, and I travel very very very happy, and yet far too rare. My next destination is Seattle.) But I've moved from 2012 to 2014 ... I see you also like to plan:)
Mh .. What I have to say? Oh yes I have 2 tattoo's and will also increase (the've ever posted about this ...) Well I like different music, from folk to Soundtracks ... they are less mainstream stuff, and I am on the other hand sometimes for a short time can not defend:) you know for sure ... I think the times is all we know about should be as a blogger, I mean we do not want my deepest abyss thaw oda?
(now says no, ask all good:)) And now I leave you alone with my pictures:) Hope you had a little Fun and remain faithful to me even in bad times ...

London 2010-present quite the image ...
Oh wei, Ireland 2009
Ireland 2009 - I like black by the way:)
prop And I like any pictures of me, as you can see here (Rome 2007)

Did you have fun for?
extra belongings taken pictures when I'm alone on it, because I did not know if friends want to face on it on my blog ...:) hi hi

Birthday Invite Wording Cohost

Books: Sleep, Never Let Me Go, VA 6

Where do I start here only again, if you stop once it is not easy to start again. Long ago with my books, and it 's Review / and in particular the fact that I hardly get to read. My lunch break is my salvation.) But this time the 3 books I want to imagine.

this book, I found this one at my favorite bookstore "Pustet. In that time I had quite a back sleeping problems (which now also are back) and I've seen the cover and thought "Mh .. sounds interesting ..." and I can tell you that's it. It is a short story of about 80 pages, with pictures that were drawn very nicely, and the book and enrich the story really ...
what this book is about a woman who simply can not sleep, she stays awake drinkt cognac and then simply reads "Anna Karenina" all night several times a week ... her husband knows nothing about her son not ...
A sweet little story that I liked ... reminds me of my sleepless nights ...

"Never Let Me Go" I've already mentioned once, as I wrote I want to buy it myself, and now I have it already since Jan . 2011 and have ever used it to read to the end, only what it was that I did not have time or was just tired (although this is not a guarantee of sleeping with me) ... In any case, I've decided for this cover because it was the most beautiful, witty White is also the movie-tie in what I wanted to avoid prop ...
I really must say this has inspired me the book, it has an unusually beautiful way to express yourself and to read fluently (I have to close. Version).
The story revolves around three friends, Ruth, Tommy and Kathy, all three are children who live in Hailsham, not an ordinary school, here it is ensured that the children always remain healthy and are therefore also particularly taken into custody, also by the guards. The story is divided in their time as children, young adults and ....... I will not tell you it will (if you want to read the book) find yourself (see Wiki, it says it all:)) In any case, Kathy tells what happened and why they are still on the lookout for Hailsham ...
Gripping story, Page Turner.

to VA 6 I would like to briefly say something, because not read some (many) of this series, and if it does, I will here not say too much. VA does with "The Last Sacrifice "ending to an end and after all the expectations of the fans obviously peaceful ... but very quickly ...
This part was once again gripping, especially the moments between Rose and Dimitri were there but then again "puff" again and again disappeared as fast as they came ...
I am glad that it denoch in a different kind goes with ... "Bloodlines" is a kind of "prequel" to VA. Here other parts written, but not Rose, so things are more ....

AMAZON U.S. (Blood Lines) - I did it to me Coming soon ...

* Do you have books that I read viell. times do?

Pokemos Soul Silver R4 Cheats

news: Hangover Part II + more

Ahhhh, I need to see why theater? Why ??????


Here are the links (at your own risk) to the other images, I have a few days ago on ONTD! seen in an early morning ... oh why I've only "read more" click ... But I wanted to set Photo there are things that I do not have to see ... I mean what people think down the road? So Fassy is not real ...

Stuff like that can however be seen, as neutral ...

Carey also has been spotted ...

I will wait no longer, it seems to me ever before to 02 June 2011!

also very interesting ...
I just had to know why Nicole was nominated and I would also like to see the movie, We'll see whether I get time to face ...

I was really looking forward to the trailer, I like Saoirse Ronan has Lovely Bones "even when they are young I hate it, funny but true. I am looking forward to the soundtrack, for the supposed to be by the Chemical Brothers ...

How long I have been waiting, then the trailer ... but from the beginning so awesome at 1:20 and especially at the end, he's just stupid, all the sick in the beginning was so good and then all of this. We'll see if I like to see him ... was not

much today, but otherwise it's going to be much at once and, well, the simple This time, everything ...

What Soul D I Say In A Wedding Card

Cast: Robert Pattinson: "Water for Elephants" Trailer 2

also makes Passau begin promoting the film ...

Trailer 2

International Version:
I find even better, because of the scenes and stuff:) XOXO
* So I'm curious to see what tell her?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Interesting Things About Tay Sachs

Magical Dress for little ladies in size 80
of flowered cotton
back to close with a zipper
with Rehstickdatei on the front page
Fahion is the dinner on March 11
presented and is then available Dawandalädchen

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Combination For American Lock

A new shirt for little boys
from the great Star and stripes jersey of FM Jersey.

and the other for girls in 110/116 with sweet nostalgia Print
Dawandalädchen available in both