Monday, June 4, 2007

Latex Drylok Over Regular Oil Based Paint

a historical event is coming!

we are in the final with our work!

now missing is the résumé

why we are on Wednesday

the 6th 6. 2007

clock at 11.30,

in the first stock take

in mci II


Who all is here?

(note also the number of copies of your prepared to Wednesday)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

What's A Table Shower?


Hi Britta!

How are you?
Were you please mir schicken die gesamte Arbeit mit Nela?
Viel Spaß beim lernen Arbeitsrecht und Marketing?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Template For Illinois Id Card

Last Friday Britta,Teresa and I met at teresa´s Place.We worked from 11am to 16 pm.We summerized the actuel case management situation in Aldran old people`s welfare House.Around 1 pm we fell all down because of hunger.Fortuatly we all had brought something to eat:Britta some bread for the Sandwiches,Teresa an salad from salzburg and I a "to" with peanut butter sauce.We all sat on the grass and licked our hand like mittle age captifs who did not had something under the teeth for a week.Afterwhat we drunk a tea with peppermint and had a clear vision about the south west Social and health distric .

Cost Of A Rabies Shot

passed back to the actual state

Good morning!

We have now the theory that Lisa got sent. What you have 2 points if each of them processed? For a few things we have to stop to wait for the email from Fr.Öhler.

lg Britta

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Free Groping Women In Bus

next meeting


We meet at 11:30 am Fr den18.Mai the MCI I.
I would propose that we jointly formulate the actual state yet ready (for the final work).

If anyone has objections, please comment!

lg Britta

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Price Pfister Shower Repair Diagram

Hello people!
Thank you for your nice work last friday.
Do you think that we have enough information about the practice situation in all the 3 social District? The danger could be that we stay just on the border of just having more theoritical part in our presentation.
Nice Day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bruised Feeling With Headache

meeting May 3

Today we have taken during the lunch break to bring together our results and create a job. Thus we have the actual situation determines our social diocese.
general I can say that our district is very advanced. This is, of course, that he has the financial resources available.

On Friday May 4 meeting is held with the other groups. I'm already on the results of the other tense.

lg Britta

Monday, April 30, 2007

Kitchen Table From Everyone Loves Raymond

new schedule!

hi britta,
we got to add a new schedule.
Wednesday 2 May 17.00 clock
with Mr Logar in the
my hard road 8
departmental social
outstanding questions from your group
collect together write and
until then
lg carla

Length Of Stirrup Leathers

Deadline interview

would point out that by this evening the results of Teresa must be sent by email.

Thanks again ask that you put together for us.

also wish you a nice Day ;-)

lg britta

Monday, April 23, 2007

Mochi With Bread Machine

interview at 23.04 followed by team meeting regarding

Teresa, Brian and I had to interview today in Aldrans-Altersheim.It was really nice with Mrs. Oehler. She answered to our questions with maestria.
Afterwards we went to Teresa's place in Höttinger Au.We
sat on the ground in the garden and had an African tea-ceremony. We talked about case management and made funny jokes.Eric

Friday, April 20, 2007

Window 7 Driver For Creative Webcam Live Pro

cm - models ...

... I'm in the internet found a very interesting study (internet address is connected via link in the blog Fritz). not only the individual cm - models are in my opinion very well presented, but it is also a clients management program called "ABC + Q" described with respect to accounting and accountability.

to it should serve to complement our work and consider alternatives. 20and% 20Management%% 20lehre/Case 20Projektbericht_Endversion.pdf
(the path to study the net) this much fun

lg carla

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where R The 6 Arrows In Ultimate I Spy Paper City

need some more info's ...

hello southeastern group

currently writing project to our order and to me are missing from your parish or name of the / Coordinator of the Chairman / CEO and care services. please just in a short mail to me or put in your Bolg. thank you!

Mr Logar also now reported to me, but it can start from the first time next week a TREMIN agree with me regarding financial.

as part of our small groups - meet us, nor the copy-free "noticed" that will add up, make a note about excessive visible!

that's about it already, a nice weekend you all
lg carla

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What Colour Of Flowers If Dresses Are Burgandy

interview at 23:04

On Monday at 10:00 23:05 clock by the structured interview held with Ms. Oehler to the actual situation as regards the application of the Case Management in the Social district to elicit. Please have
To view the guide up there.

lg britta

Monday, April 16, 2007

Firered Cheat Gpsiphone

communication platform

I like to refer to the communication platform, which was set up for all to improve communication in the big group of all 3 Sozialsprengel groups.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Lordosis Animal In Heat

date collision ...

The appointment on Thursday, 12.4. clock at 17.00 to take place, unfortunately not, because the MCI has planned for the Swiss group in this program a course.
My new proposal therefore: Comment
Fri 13/04/2007 at 17:00 clock
LG Lisi

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Discharge, Cooked Egg White

summary of the first meeting with Mrs. Oehler

on 29/03/2007 in Aldrans, in the center of our social Sprengel

The contact with the mobile home care performed by physician, hospital, relatives or the patients themselves will

The initial contact is made with the patient at home. On the following, paying attention:

  • environment of the patients (housing)
  • care situation (the patient lives alone or with his family, ..)
  • social network is (it's family members, friends, neighbors, etc. support the patient)
  • Physical state (medical report, Assessment of the current situation site)

-> assessing the need for professional care

services of the Mobile Home care:

  • home care by doctors and possibly dipl.KrankenpflegerInnen
  • nursing by nursing assistants
  • home help - financial support

If a case exceeds the competence of the Mobile Home care is taken by district social contact with the relevant expertise (for the mentally ill, hospice for terminal cancer patients, occupational therapy, physiotherapy ...).

addition is detected, the need for wheel chairs, IV pole, house alarm, etc.. Hospital beds come from the Red Cross, working with other organizations is working very well.

financial issues are resolved only at the end, every patient should get help as quickly as possible.

What to do?

All Sozialsprengel (63 in Tirol) work differently, more or less professional. It would take some basic lines to achieve a uniform level.

could contribute to a regional way Administration.

specially hired case managers could take complicated cases.


Our Sozialsprengel

social and health district

South Eastern Highlands

in residential and nursing home St. Martin - Aldrans

member communities: Aldrans, Lans, Sistrans, Rinn, Tulfes, and Patsch Ampass

district office: 6071 Aldrans , Senderweg 11

Tel 0512/377438

e-mail: sgs.sistrans @

Office hours: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 13.00 clock


home care and medical aids

Contact Sr.Hiltraut

Tel 0664/2625840

home help and family support

Contact Fr.Öhler office

social work at Youth and Family Services

hours the social worker Fr.Felix

Monday from 8:00 10.00 Clock

Meals on Wheels

information in the House St.Martin

Tel 0512/3417770

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Green Greenenglish Dubbed

Who we are

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wills Holograph Sample Ontario

I won us there is still have

A brief sign of life:

excuse that has been done on that side as long as nothing. We are currently professionally pretty busy and can not devote ourselves to the club as we would like.

We are working feverishly on a new campaign - and hopefully good. Please be patient - tight budgets and time constraints make it difficult to work just a bit.

What happened in the meantime: Under pressure from the offensive against the fur industry and Kaufhof, Appel Rath & Küpper and eagles have dropped out of the fur trade.

Regards, Martin