Monday, September 18, 2006

Steamboat Tickets Sale

The carnage must end. The

Cologne animal rights group launches online campaign against murder of millions of dogs and cats for the fur industry.

In Asia each year over 2 million small furry animals such as dogs, Cats and rabbits brutally murdered. Their fur is processed in the low-price segment for young fashion, such as fur trim for denim jackets and boots.

The Cologne animal protection organization "The rooster is dead eV" starts with the website an interactive campaign against the bloody fur murder in Asia. The campaign appeals to young people, potential buyers of the small animal fur clothing. On the website is deliberately played with eroticism as a hook to attract the visitors attention. Click of the mouse is then transferred to a shocking murder on the issue of animal fur production: additional information will be displayed. The campaign aims to persuade the visitor to To send a protest email to Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer. The Minister will be convinced to effect a stop in Germany import of pet fur. That already exist in other European countries. Belgium, Greece, Denmark, France and Italy are good examples of this. The protest letter as a pre-mail can be directly from the page to send Mr Seehofer.

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